The Seattle Angel Conference event on May 31st, 2012 was a culmination of many months of due diligence, review and evaluation. An Investor group of nineteen investors actively interviewed and reviewed the presenting companies. Of the twenty six companies that applied, six finalist companies presented at the event. Each of these companies had champions inside the investor LLC. In the many meetings leading up to the event, the investor group reviewed and discussed the merits of each company.
With a great pitch and a lot of passion, Max Baker from Illumagear was selected as the winning company. The Investment fund of $100K will be invested in Illumagear using the convertible note listed on this website.
The goal of the Seattle Angel Conference is to provide place for new Angel investors to bring new Angel Investors and New entrepreneurs together to explore the process of Angel Investing. With active due diligence and engagement in the startup process, Angel Investors can have significantly better investment outcomes. At the same time, active Angel engagement can build stronger startup companies. At the conference, Dr Rob Wiltbank made a fabulous review of the outcomes of many years of investments using this mechanism in Oregon.